Christmas magic

 I know about the twelve days of Christmas, of course.  I'm counting down the days. I've always loved the magic, the spirit of Christmas. I was born singing carols, telling tales and fashioning angels from glitter and tin foil. Still do. I love Christmas stories. I hang on every word. I'm never sure it will happen. I'm amazed when it does. What with frigid cold outside and crazy busy inside. What with last minute gift making evenings, just-one-more errand running. What with spreading holiday joy to friends near and far and dusting the world in snow, and the house in glitter, several times over. Somehow, it still all seems worth it. Frankly, I never remember it being so much work, yet  it dazzels me all over again.

And then, you know, leaving room for all those distractions, that Christmas does so well, I'm preparing to be unprepared, waiting for my fair share of magic and leaving plenty of room for the miracles. Also, there's remembering to allow extra minutes in my mornings, for jingling bells, finding lost mittens, opening advent windows and taking a deep breath to start the magic of the day. Pondering over how to hang stockings from my chock-full-of-cheer mantle. And hold onto your Christmas caps, it's a shocker..I've eaten my share (okay, more than my share) of cookies, I know, right!

Clever stuff, that Christmas spirit, turning Scrooge into a poster boy for generosity and kindness, filling the heart of a Grinch with love, dreaming up a flying reindeer with a glowing nose, chipmunks that sing, and and a chubby guy in a red suit that flies around the world delivering presents by slipping down the chimney [dude! can you imagine? oh my, I know]!  Just the mention of Christmas denotes feelings such as endearment, joy, peace on Earth, and dare I say, good will toward men.  Powerful good magic, I call it. And is it only Bon Jovi's gig or can we all wish that every day could be like Christmas?

Oh, just in case you're wondering, the elving is finished. I am ready for the Merry. Happy Christmas Eve! This is as cozy and comforting as it gets. This year, as is our tradition, we’re celebrating with family. There will be Christmas sweaters, fleece trousers, flannel pajamas, and, I hope, endless amounts of Christmas cheer!  Gifts to unwrap. Laughing. Mom's cabbage rolls. Fancy pants cheese balls. Santa coming down the chimney. There will be naps. Midnight Mass. Pictures. pause~and~absorb! ......

Christmas has a tight grip on my heart, and will forever make me feel like a child. I know, but still! I embrace it in that gloriously imperfect way I do with all the things I adore. It is at once rustic and elegant, austere and welcoming, it is home to yule logs, dungeness crab dip, tidings of comfort and joy. This girl, was made for a holiday like Christmas...and yes, again~I do try to make "everyday like Christmas" a bright, shiny new day to unwrap every morning, to cherish, savor and enjoy..what more could you ask for?


Three-Layer Peppermint Bark
(go here for recipe)


  1. Anonymous12/24/2010

    I love every christmas I spend with is the greatest gift of all....I love ya sis!! XO


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